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Wh-questions in Portuguese

Wh-questions are fundamental for communication in Brazilian Portuguese. You will come across them when you feel like ordering, when you get to know someone, or even when you need the information to get somewhere.

Wh-questions in Brazilian Portuguese
Wh-questions in Brazilian Portuguese

First off, we have "que" and "o que", two expressions that often confuse beginners. "Que" translates to "what" in English and is used in specific sentences where it's connected directly to a noun, like "Que dia é hoje?" (What day is it today?). On the other hand, "o que" is used when the "what" in question is not directly followed by a noun and often stands alone, as in "O que você está fazendo?" (What are you doing?).

Moving on to "quando" (when), "quem" (who), "como" (how), and "onde" (where), the first refers to time, the second to identifying people, the third, to methods or states, and the last one, to a place.).

Then, there is quanto, which translates to "how much" or "how many", depending on its usage in a sentence. “Quanto" is used to inquire about quantity in a non-specific manner, such as "Quanto custa isso?" (How much does this cost?), while the second emphasizes quantity in a more defined context, "Quantos amigos brasileiros você tem?" (How many Brazilian friends do you have?).

Lastly, "por que" (why) brings us to the motive, the reason actions, decisions, or phenomena.

In wrapping up this article about question words of Brazilian Portuguese, remember that practice makes perfect. Try to use the Wh-questions as much as possible and do a lot of exercise. If you have any questions, reach out to me.


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